Dear Friend of FFNE,
I begin the letter for the annual report again referring to the significant changes in healthcare reform. Headlines about the difficulties implementing the Affordable Care Act of 2010 have consistently been highlighted in the media for the past four months. Every system and member of our community is being affected by these changes. With more than 97,000 working registered nurses in North Carolina, the nursing profession is the largest segment of the state’s health care workforce. Working on the front lines of patient care, nurses can play a vital role in helping realize the vision of the Affordable Care Act. However, based on the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 Report on the Future of Nursing, we must address the changes needed for nurses to participate more effectively in the transformations in health care delivery in our state. FFNE exists to explore and implement innovative ways to ensure that nurses are well-positioned to lead change and advance health in our state.